Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A quick note of thanks

January 29: I want to thank everyone for the many supportive, personal emails we've received since we traveled to Ukraine in December. I realize not everyone feels comfortable posting comments on this blog, for others to read. So, whether private or public, your encouragement is appreciated. The emails that have contained scripture are most appreciated and we've really taken those to heart. Trust us, we'll save each one and will put in a special place for these boys to someday read.

We'll be able to pick up International passports in Zaporizhzhia, go back to Takmak for the military release, go to Molochansk to sign Zhenya's papers, and leave tomorrow for Kiev. Thank you to everyone for your prayers. We know you're all in your daily grind at home, and yet you've taken time to support us in our process. At this point, we're ready to go home. Our oldest daughter, Ginger, (almost 22, soon to be married) is about to jump out of her skin with excitement because she found her dream condo in downtown Bham, (a loft), just like she wanted. They accepted her offer today and we can't be there to celebrate with her. Our neice, Rebecca is a basketball superstar right now at her high school, written up in the home town paper. We hate we missed her big game. She was the leading player even after surgery to both ankles and a long rehab. We miss everyone and are looking forward to getting back home with these boys! ~

We may not have a chance to post more before we get back home due to travel and tight schedules in Kiev.

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